martes, 7 de diciembre de 2010

Abuela, ¡dime tú!

Viéndote dormir, se apacigua mi mundo.
Escucho como haces sonar en tu silencio
las cuatros estaciones de Vivaldi.
Sobre ti nace el verde y florecen rosas sin espinas,
en armonía con el arcos iris.

A pesar de que tus ojos descansen en este momento,
tu mirada me sigue mirando, y me lleva
al sin fin horizonte del mar.
Donde las olas se confunden con la textura de tu piel,
que habla sola de tu experiencia y sabiduría interminable.

Eres perfecta e irreemplazable.

Hilos blancos llevas tú,
cuales todos deseamos llegar a tener,
y con los que tejes el mantel de la unión familiar.
Eres suave, noble, llena de detalles y ornamentos especiales
como el increíble barroco.

Luz nos traes y luz es tu ser.

domingo, 5 de diciembre de 2010

Being a kid.

It was an amazing experience.

It was the moment I had a great voice
And I was not famous
It didn't care!

Those times when "Fun" was never enough
And I didn't need weed
It didn't care!

Everybody could say "I love you"
And they didn't have to be married or sign a paper that is the same
It didn't care!

Being happy at night for the day just passed and feel expectation to discovered something new the next day was a wonderful dream in this realness
I wasn't in jail or in asylum to think that
It didn't care!

What am I saying?
I can still be a kid.
Why it do care now?

I want it to stop!

One tear went out
Roll down on my face
Nobody see it
I really don't care.

But what do they care?
If just one tear is nothing
Comparing to the suffering
of children on poverty.

Businesses are many
Coins are more
Idiots can not see
That LOVE is countless

Those four letters are
at the lost corner of the world,
and when I try to bring them here
you; people, they; society, overwritten rules,
Hit me and make me blue.

I wish I could know who is taking my home away
I beg to let me live healthy in this earth.

Wasting your time looking for aliens;
Aliens all you will become.
But finally I am going to be happy that you will have found yourselves.

Good luck.

viernes, 3 de diciembre de 2010

Ángel Guardián

Siempre te encuentras, a veces sin manifestar presencia.
Me levantas con la mayor de las fuerzas,
sin perder delicadeza.
Niñez, cada aventura, adolescencia.
Imposible decir que has sido nada más que una suplencia,
y puedo probarlo mas allá de la experiencia.

Valor, amor e inteligencia; tus enseñanzas eternas.
¡SI! Es para ti. Madrina, tía y mother: Elsa.